Pareidolia is perceiving a type of shape or form , seeing patterns in random data. Some common examples are seeing a likeness of Jesus in the clouds or an image of a man on the surface of the moon.
I haven't Photo-shopped any of these photos that I took.
This is where I will place my weird looking pictures.
My son took this picture at Erskine Falls, Victoria, Australia. I zoomed in and circled a shape form of a person I saw. It's just a branch/rocks and light of course. But heck full head, head of hair, wearing classes and body. Looks like he's sitting on the rock with his legs hanging over soaking his feet in the waterfall.
#pareidolia #lorne #victoria #australia
Took this picture of a Macrocarpa out my backyard, shape looks like a dragon. I took this picture on 9th August 2016
#dragons #macrocarpa #mangere #auckland #newzealand #pareidolia
Took this picture at Totara Park, Manurewa, the shape between the trees looks like Casper the ghost or a baby's face shape. I took this picture on the 20th February 2014.
#totarapark #manurewa #auckland #newzealand #pareidolia
Took this picture of a cloud from my back steps. Looks like a silhouette of a person shape. I took this picture on 10th June 2013.
#pukekos #mangere #auckland #newzealand #pareidolia
Took this picture at Craters of the Moon, Taupo. This rock shape looks like a person riding a horse shape. I took this picture on the 28th August 2013.
#cratersofthemoon #taupo #newzealand #pareidolia
Took this picture of a Pukeko in our backyard, but if you see just under the belly of the Pukeko the clover looks like a dog shape. I took this picture of the 14th December 2013.
#pukekos #mangere #auckland #newzealand
I took this picture at Totara Park, Manurewa, New Zealand. The top picture is the original, but the others are the same picture but I have framed the shapes which the second one looks like Jesus and the last picture I framed looks like a woman in a hat if you look at the light.
I took this picture on the 29th February 2012 when I was helping with our school picnic.
#pareidolia #totarapark #manurewa #auckland #newzealand.
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